Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Senator McCain Gets a Zero -- Tell Your Newspaper

You need to go to the website of the League of Conservation Voters for all the scores of Senators and Congressmen and see how all our representatives come out on environmental issues. As you would expect, our esteemed Mr. Kingston also received a “0” on his scorecard, but at least he’d show up for a vote on the issues once in awhile. Senator McCain, on the other hand, touts himself as pro-environment, but just never showed up when those votes were taken. What should we make of this?

Look through the records of other prominent representatives as well.

Dave Southern
Chairman, Democrats of Camden County

Two weeks ago John McCain was the only Senator to duck a crucial vote on the future of clean energy in America -- dooming to failure the measure that would have helped make renewable energy more affordable and accessible. Now it turns out this missed vote is part of a pattern.

Last week, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) released the 2007 National Environmental Scorecard giving Senator McCain a score of ZERO. According to the scorecard, McCain was the only member of Congress to skip all 15 crucial environmental votes scored by LCV.

Can you help spread the word about McCain's 0% environmental voting record and write a letter to the editor? The opinion page is widely read in most communities -- and a well-placed letter can reach a broad audience. We've included sample text to get you started.

McCain's LCV score exposes the real record behind the rhetoric -- a lifetime LCV score of 24, a history of siding with the polluters and special interests, and a consistent pattern of ducking important environmental votes.

Let's place thousands of letters in papers around the country. Click here to let us know you're writing a letter.
Thanks for taking action.
Carl PopeExecutive DirectorThe Sierra Club

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